Lampada fluorescente pulita a prova di esplosione

Lampada fluorescente pulita a prova di esplosione
Explosion-proof clean fluorescent lamp Model: BHY
Specializzata nella ricerca e sviluppo di illuminazione industriale, produzione e vendita di imprese nazionali ad alta tecnologia
Explosion-proof clean fluorescent lamp Light source: T5/T8 LED
Explosion-proof clean fluorescent lamp Wattage: 1*18W/2*18W
Explosion-proof clean fluorescent lamp Temperature class: T1 to T6
Explosion-proof clean fluorescent lamp IP Code: IP66
Explosion-proof clean fluorescent lamp Certification:  ExdeIICT6Gb/ExtDA21
Explosion-proof clean fluorescent lamp Ambient temp: -40℃ to +40℃/55℃

fluorescent lamp Scope of application and use
◎Adatto per zona 1 e zona 2 in ambiente con gas esplosivi;
. È adatto per la zona 20 dell'ambiente di polvere combustibile. Distretto 21. Distretto 22;
. Adatto per IA, ambiente di gas esplosivo di classe IB;
◎Adatto per ambienti con gruppi di temperatura T1 - T5;
◎ Dotato di lampade fluorescenti a doppia gamba T8 e lampade a LED;
. È adatto per ambienti esplosivi e pericolosi come la raffinazione del petrolio, lo stoccaggio, l'industria chimica, la medicina, l'industria militare e le strutture militari.
fluorescent lamp Features
✧Il guscio è realizzato in pressofusione in lega di alluminio, dopo la sabbiatura, la spruzzatura elettrostatica ad alta tensione;
✧The shell is formed by bending steel plate, and the surface is sprayed with high voltage electrostatic; .
. Dotato di tubi fluorescenti di marca ben noti, lunga durata e alta efficienza luminosa;
◆>Stainless steel shell can be used according to user requirements, and the surface is polished;
✧The shell and the pressure frame are connected by a built-in chain, and the internal reflector can be turned over.
lighting status;
◆There are specially designed overcharge and overdischarge protection circuits in the emergency device;
. The tightening bolt adopts anti-drop measures to simplify the maintenance work of opening the cover;
. The transparent cover of the ceiling-mounted, recessed type 1 lamps is formed of polycarbonate;
✧The transparent cover of the embedded type 2 lamps adopts high-strength flat tempered glass;
Dustproof performance;
◆The exposed part of the embedded type 2 lamps is less after installation, which can effectively save the height of the workshop.
◎Built-in ballast with encapsulated structure, with good explosion-proof performance;
Degree, beautiful and generous.
fluorescent lamp Main technical parameters
T5/T8 led
fluorescent lamp Order Notice
✧The shell and the pressure frame are connected by a built-in chain, and the internal reflector can be turned over.
lighting status;
◆There are specially designed overcharge and overdischarge protection circuits in the emergency device;
. The tightening bolt adopts anti-drop measures to simplify the maintenance work of opening the cover;
. The transparent cover of the ceiling-mounted, recessed type 1 lamps is formed of polycarbonate;
✧The transparent cover of the embedded type 2 lamps adopts high-strength flat tempered glass;
Dustproof performance;
◆The exposed part of the embedded type 2 lamps is less after installation, which can effectively save the height of the workshop.
◎Built-in ballast with encapsulated structure, with good explosion-proof performance;
Degree, beautiful and generous.
fluorescent lamp Main technical parameters
T5/T8 led
fluorescent lamp Order Notice
✧The transparent cover of the embedded type 2 lamps adopts high-strength flat tempered glass;
Dustproof performance;
◆The exposed part of the embedded type 2 lamps is less after installation, which can effectively save the height of the workshop.
◎Built-in ballast with encapsulated structure, with good explosion-proof performance;
Degree, beautiful and generous.
fluorescent lamp Main technical parameters
modello BHY
Marchio antideflagrante Exde IICT6Gb/ExtD21
tensione nominale. AC220v
sorgente luminosa T5/T8 led
Potenza nominale 1 * 18W / 2 * 18W
Flusso luminoso LED 3600Im
Classe di protezione Grado di protezione IP66
Grado anticorrosione WF2
Filettatura di ingresso G3/4"
Specifiche dei cavi Media 7-Media 12mm
metodo di installazione. Installazione sospensione soffitto/tubo
Ambiente di lavoro Temperatura: -40 ~ 45C
durata della vita ≥10000H

fluorescent lamp Order Notice
  1. Al momento dell'ordine, si prega di selezionare uno per uno in base al modello del prodotto.
  2. La lampada è stata dotata di alimentazione e sorgente luminosa quando esce dalla fabbrica.
  3. Le lampade possono essere dotate di diversi metodi di installazione.
  4. L'azienda supporta i servizi OEM / ODM, si prega di contattare l'account manager per i requisiti dettagliati

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